The University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) President Liz Magill resigned on Saturday, December 9, 2023, following intense criticism for her response to questions about antisemitism on campus.

University of Penn president response on antisemitism

The Controversy

Magill faced backlash for her testimony at a December 5th congressional hearing on antisemitism on college campuses. When asked if calling for the genocide of Jews is an antisemitic act, Magill initially avoided directly condemning the statement, instead emphasizing the university's commitment to academic freedom and freedom of speech.

This response sparked outrage from many, including Jewish groups, lawmakers, and UPenn alumni, who accused Magill of failing to take a strong stance against antisemitism. The White House also condemned Magill's testimony, calling it "deeply concerning and disappointing."

Resignation and Aftermath

Following the widespread criticism, Magill released a video statement on December 7th attempting to clarify her position. She stated that she should have been clearer in her condemnation of calls for genocide and that such acts are "anathema to Penn's values."

However, the damage had already been done, and calls for her resignation continued to grow. Ultimately, Magill decided to step down on December 9th, citing the need for "new leadership" to address the issue of antisemitism on campus.

Impact and Moving Forward

The controversy surrounding Magill's response has highlighted the ongoing issue of antisemitism on college campuses. It has also sparked important conversations about academic freedom, freedom of speech, and the role of universities in combating hate speech.

The University of Pennsylvania's Board of Trustees will now begin the search for a new president. They have stated that their top priority is finding a leader who is committed to addressing all forms of hate and discrimination on campus.

Additional Resources

  • UPenn President Liz Magill resigns amid antisemitism controversy (Washington Post)
  • UPenn president responds to backlash over testimony on antisemitism (NewsNation)
  • University of Pennsylvania president steps down amid criticism of antisemitism testimony (NBC News)

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