In a new interview with People magazine, Julia Roberts has revealed what she wants most if the apocalypse happens. And it's not a bunker full of supplies or a spaceship to escape the planet. No, all Julia Roberts wants is a lot of alcohol.

"I'm not going to lie," she said with a laugh. "If the world is ending, I'm going to want a lot of tequila. And maybe a margarita or two. I mean, why not? We're all going to die anyway, right?"

Roberts's laid-back approach to the apocalypse is both refreshing and relatable. In a world that's often obsessed with survival and preparedness, it's nice to hear someone say, "Screw it, let's just have some fun."

Of course, Roberts is also a pragmatist. She knows that alcohol won't save her from the end of the world. But it might make the process a little more enjoyable.

"I'm not saying I'm not going to be scared," she admitted. "But I'm also not going to spend my last days freaking out. I'm going to surround myself with the people I love, drink some good tequila, and laugh until the bitter end."

Julia Roberts apocalypse i Interview

Roberts's attitude is a reminder that even in the face of disaster, there's always room for a little bit of humor. And who knows? Maybe a good margarita is just what we need to face the end of the world.

Here are some other things Roberts wants to do before the apocalypse:

  • Spend time with her family and friends
  • Travel to all the places she's always wanted to go
  • Eat all her favorite foods
  • Tell everyone she loves how much she loves them

So, if you're ever hanging out with Julia Roberts and the apocalypse happens, don't be surprised if she breaks out the tequila. Just go with it and enjoy the ride.

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